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Pond vs. Pool – Pros and Cons

You are anticipating adding a major water feature to your home landscape.  The basic decision is whether to build a pond or a pool.

A pond is an area of water, either human made or natural, smaller than a lake usually with different levels of water level.  Generally they do not include moving water like brooks, streams, etc.  Farmers will often construct a pond to help animals.  City dwellers often install a water garden or fish pond for architectural interest and decoration.

A swimming pool is an artificial structure for water sports, exercising, general recreation, etc. and is typically cleansed with a chlorine chemical.

It is possible to combine the two.  You can have a swimming pond that uses a non-chemical filtration system that will be safe for people to enjoy.

There are many benefits to a pond.  Here are some things to consider:

  • Serenity – Many people add ponds to their landscape for the aesthetic of enjoying a quiet moment or hour watching the water, birds, insects, flowers, and all of the surrounds.  It can be a respite from the demands of your life or problems that you are facing.
  • Nature Refuge – As more natural habitats are swallowed by urbanization, a pond can offer an element to share with the non-human inhabitants of your area.
  • Value – Improvements like water features are a huge selling point when you decide to put your home on the market.

If there is already a pond on your property, it could be that it needs a little attention. 

  • Identifying issues – Each pond is unique and can vary in the plant and wildlife it supports.  One of the more common problems is invasive plants.  It is important to have a diversity of plant life above and below the water line.  It is important to maintain the correct conditions to encourage beneficial growth to the advantage of its purposes.
  • Trees – It is possible that the trees and shrubbery is overgrown to the point that the pond is not receiving enough light.  Consult with a qualified landscape architect and arborist about how best to tackle the situation.  The trees contribute nutrients to the pond so you don’t want to eliminate the growth entirely.  Just keep it in appropriate control.

Let’s return to the idea of using a pond as a swimming area.  There are two similar entities:  a natural swimming pool and a swimming pond.  The primary difference is in how the water is cleansed.  A natural swimming pool uses non-chemical, biological filtration.  A swimming pond relies on a balanced ecosystem and does not use any type of filtration technology.  A pond cannot be heated or covered because of the plant/animal/insect life it supports.  A natural pool can be.

There is a lot of information available about swimming ponds, pools, and other water features.  Your best choice is to discuss your options with a skilled professional like those at Quiet Nature.  We are happy to discuss how your plans can be incorporated into an aesthetically pleasing and functional part of your existing landscape.









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